Here is a little task that could help with preparing for the Plant diversity assessment.Plant diversity essay task - Google Docs:
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Plant diversity questions 2004 to 2010 - Google Docs
This link leads to a summary of the NCEA questions on Diversity in plant structure and function.
New Zealand Plants - Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland
Here is a link to the University of Auckland site where the videos we have been watching came from.New Zealand Plants - Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland:
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Biology - Level 2 » NZQA
Just in case you had forgotten what we are here to do in 2011 here is a link to the NZQA documents about Biology.
Eye Balls
Term two
This term we will be looking at Cells, their structure and functions also we have the research assignment looking at the effects of human activities on ecosystems.
The Habitable Planet - Interactive Labs
The Habitable Planet - Interactive Labs: "Interactive Labs
These 5 interactive lab activities span several units, but tie together their common concepts. You may explore functional simulations or do field activities that are tied to the content of related units."
These 5 interactive lab activities span several units, but tie together their common concepts. You may explore functional simulations or do field activities that are tied to the content of related units."
A big thank you to Mr Fox and his contribution of an interesting site about Ecology simulations
Succession 25/3/2011
Succession on Hutt River bed
Ecological succession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ecological succession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Ecological succession, a fundamental concept in ecology, refers to more or less predictable and orderly changes in the composition or structure of an ecological community. Succession may be initiated either by formation of new, unoccupied habitat (e.g., a lava flow or a severe landslide) or by some form of disturbance (e.g. fire, severe windthrow, logging) of an existing community. Succession that begins in areas where no soil is initially present is called primary succession, whereas succession that begins in areas where soil is already present is called secondary succession."
Ecology Basics
This is a reasonable yet basic guide to a lot of the ecology topics we study this year.
lower organisms of the rocky shore
lower organisms of the rocky shore:
"f035525: the black sea hare (Aplysia brunnea) is found from Wellington south. Although it looks entirely black, its scientific name calls it brown. It is a large sea hare, comparable in size to the black-tailed sea hare."
Week 5 term one
This week we have the rocky shore field trip in which we go to the marine reserve at Island Bay to "Investigate an interrelationship or pattern in an ecological population or community". This internally assessed achievement standard is worth three credits.
In preparation for the field trip you should be familiar with the following:
Week 2
So far this week we have been looking at some of the key terms in ecology;

- Habitat
- Adaptation
- Structural, behavioural and physiological adaptations
- Ecosystem
- Biotic factors
- Abiotic factors
And of course there is the homework which was to:
Choose an organism and describe its habitat and some of its adaptations listing at least one structural, behavioural and physiological adaptation.
Week One
Homework task
"Find the Scientific classification of the mosquito"
One easy way to remember the order of the groupings in a classification is the mnemonic;
King Phillip Could Only Find Green Spots
Which represents of course:
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.
Class of 2011
Welcome to year twelve biology for 2011. Hopefully this blog we help us by:
- making handouts and course outlines available on line
- sharing helpful links so we can be better at biology
- providing a contact method if you are having difficulties understanding content
- facilitating feedback
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